Adventure Hook

You find yourself in the bustling city of Egosdeath, renowned for the mystical Sanctuary of Self Reflection. Rumors abound that a wise cleric, Therein Iswork, has been helping adventurers overcome their inner demons. Wishing to seek help to confront your past, you make your way beyond the threshold of the Sanctuary.

Part One: The Sanctuary of Self Reflection

Upon entering, you take in the serene ambiance of enchanted crystals, earth-tone painted walls, piles of books and plants, and soothing aromas. Therein Iswork, a tiefling cleric with an aura of wisdom, exits from the back room, welcoming you. You figure her to be in her late fifties, with long, curled horns and silver-white hair in a loose braid. Her deep violet eyes sparkle with intelligence and empathy. She wears soft blue and silver robes and carries a staff topped with a calming crystal orb.

Skill Check: Insight (DC 12): Characters who succeed can sense genuine compassion and wisdom, gaining advantage on future social interactions with her.

Role-Playing Opportunity: Therein invites you to sit and share your reasons for visiting.

Part Two: Coming Soon